Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Hey there baby!
So your papa is wonderful.
I know I tell you this often, but he really is.
When we set the date to find out if you are a boy or girl
he had a plan on how to make it a surprise for me.
He decided that when we went to the doctor
for your ultrasound we'd have them put the results 
in an envelope.
Papa bought a cutie stuffed elephant
and some ribbon in pink and blue.
He said that he would open it first and give me 
the toy with the appropriate colored ribbon.
I have been anxiously awaiting this moment 
since I first took the pregnancy test.
But a little suspense never killed anyone.
So when we got home papa took a peak and found out.
Then we ate dinner as he made the suspense build.
Then he brought me the package to open,
while he filmed my reaction.
Just knowing you are growing healthy is so exciting to me
but to know that you are a BOY is so joyous to me.
Now we get to really start the planning.
Seeing papa finally got to be the one with the secret
was so exciting.
I'm glad he got those moments since 
I've been the one feeling your kicks and going through it all.
I love you so much baby boy.
Grow Strong.

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