Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Little.....I love you

Hey there baby,
I heard your little heart beating away today.
It's magical every time. 
It's hard to explain my love for you.
I've never seen you.
I don't know your likes or dislikes.
I don't know if you will chose to follow Jesus.
I don't know anything but the number on that doppler.
Today it was 153.
Still growing strong I hope.
But with all those unknowns
my heart is so full.
I have hope that you will love Jesus.
I have hope for your future.
I have hope the despite my failures you will know love.
I feel as though I could burst in happiness when I think of you
Even this morning with the queasiness
I just thought of how its a sign that you are okay.
You are still with us.
I have such fear that one day you won't be.
You are our child.
From the moment God formed you within me.
You will always be my baby.
And I will always love you.
Papa too, though it's harder for him to show it yet.
He isn't reminded daily like I am.
As my belly grows.
Or as I smell something from two rooms away.
But he does.
We do.
We love you.
Grow strong baby.

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