Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Hey there baby, 
It's time to be really honest.
And I realize there may be lots of judgement with this post,
but I think I'm going to write it anyway.
Your mom has struggled with body image and eating issues in her past
and well her growing belly sometimes exacerbates those past sins.
I had a rough day yesterday.
I'm in that looking fat but not pregnant stage.
I used to over eat.
To the point of making myself so sick but never throwing up.
Thankfully I haven't struggled with that in a long time.
Now I have different struggles.
But mostly they are centered around my need to feel worth something 
and beautiful in the eyes of myself and others.
I'm writing this, because regardless of gender you will struggle with sin just as I do.
You will judge yourself, you will judge others, you will have pride and deal with all kinds of sin.
The fact is as much as the world wants to give us a standard of beauty it can't.
The contorted images of perfection are still all very different.
Beauty was marred when sin entered this world.
There is no perfection outside of Jesus.
And there is only uniqueness.
And God created that.
Each of us unique, meant to be perfect but marred by sin in this world.
One day in heaven we'll be renewed but until then we have to fight.
I want you to know this because you will struggle here.
You may fight the fight of body image
Self loathing
Or an array of many other battles.
But know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are meant to be here.
To have these struggles.
To see God's glory in it all.
Mom isn't always fighting these battles and sins well.
Forgive me when my example fails you.
Forgive me when I forget to remind you of the beauty within you put there by the God of the Universe
the one who created you and seeks relationship with you.
I pray you come to know him.
He is the only way.
The only way to have victory.
The one who deserves all glory and honor.
I wish things were prefect for you.
I wish the world wasn't like this...
but I'm thankful that sin's penalty is paid for.
That you can have victory in this world.
So I'll try to remember that.
For myself and for you.
Victory didn't come without sacrifice, but that is paid for us if we accept it.
I'll be praying you come to know this.
Grow Strong Baby.

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