Thursday, March 20, 2014's just life

Hey baby,
I don't have any topical discussion for you today.
I just want to write.
I think this is kind of my way of doing life with you while you are still in my tummy.
Mum has decided to get more active.
And by that I mean I've started walking.
Not the most glamorous of exercises, but that's what the doctor said to do.
I wish I had been one of those epic moms who ran a marathon with you before you were born
but who am I kidding I hate to run.
I ran a half marathon once... I might have kind of liked it
but it's been so long that I'm not supposed to be running with you.
But I'll do my best baby.
I want you to have a good start in life.
Papa went on a walk with us last week.
It was sweet holding his hand and listening to him chat.
I'm not very good at making conversation.
You can probably tell that from the off topic ramblings I do here.
Mostly I've been walking with another new mommy.
We get to talk about you little's.
Papa is letting me make my first purchase for you this coming week.
I'm so excited!
It's nothing amazing, and it's a hand me down but I can't wait for you to be here to see it.
It's a bassinet.
I hope you like it.
I admit I'm purchasing it for me just as much as you.
I'm sorry that you'll probably get a lot of hand me downs.
In part it's because mum and dad are just not banks, in fact we owe banks(or rather loan companies) lots of money from our school days.
And there is a teensy part of me that loves having something with a history.
But you will probably have to deal with this your whole life.
Don't worry you'll come to understand that things are just that, things.
They get old. They get used. They aren't worth much in the end.
You can't take them with you when you are gone.
Mum has to tell herself this a lot too.
But I guess you haven't really learned to want things yet.
That's good.
We'll work on that when it comes time.
But for now, know you are loved.
We will do for you as much as we can.
And we will love you always.

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