Saturday, March 29, 2014

Little...Lets brag about that guy again

Hey baby,
So I know I've already posted about your papa
but after yesterday I feel the need to brag about him again.
Mum had a really bad day yesterday.
I woke up around 4:30am with a migraine
and it didn't start to even remotely subside until 5:30pm
So your papa got stuck with the all day chore of taking care of me.
Migraines pretty much rule your day if you get them
Little movements, noises, light everything makes your brain feel
as though it may just explode.
When mommy gets a migraine she almost always pukes.
Yesterday was no different.
I broke my record of 2 throw ups in a day with that migraine
I almost hit 4 but was finally able to keep down dinner.
So our record currently sits at 3.
This time I can't even blame you or the hormones.
Apparently it relieves the pressure on your brain.
But it really didn't work.
So papa had to clean up after me.
And he got to giggle with me as I cried over the fact that
 I didn't always make it directly into the toilet.
Gross, I know.
He went to the store to get me gingerale to settle my stomach.
That seems to be the only thing I can vomit and not
become even more nauseated over.
He did the household chores.
He make dinner for us.....the only meal I could keep down.
He comforted me when I stressed about
not being able to feed you enough/well.
He called me beautiful
despite the broken capillaries all over my face
as a sign of a good long day spent over a toilet.
He pretty much took on the role of care giver.
He is incredibly good at that.
I wanted to tell you all of this
Even the icky stuff
so that you know your papa is completely capable of caring for you.
I'm so excited for that day.
Can't wait to meet you.
Grow strong baby!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Little....friends like family

Hey there baby,
So today I want to tell you about your honorary Aunt.
Her name is Alyssa.
I know she isn't blood, but she doesn't have to be.
When I started to tell people about you
she was one of the most ecstatic.
She is someone I share my joys, pains, struggles, and triumphs with.
She's moving far away soon, so you may not see her often.
But rest assured she is excited about you too.
Some day when you are bigger, I hope for a friendship like this for you.
Even when she and mum are far apart they want to know about each other.
They pray for each other.
And have high hopes for each other.
Don't get me wrong, things aren't always perfect.
Friends can fight just as much as family.
But when they become like family to you, you can't lose them, just like blood relation.
And you want to know something even more amazing!?!
Mum and Alyssa are tied by and even stronger string than just friendship.
You see we both love Jesus and serve him.
And when people do that they are automatically part of the same family!
Some day when Mommy and Auntie Alyssa are gone from this earth
We will be together again worship God in Heaven!
Isn't that amazing?
We'll get to be together again, with the same goals in mind
bringing glory to God.
So baby, as excited as I am about you joining this little Weideman family,
I'm even more excited for the day when you accept Jesus and join God's family.
Oh I do so pray for that for you.
I can't wait for you to come meet all the people who love you.
Grow Strong Baby

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Hey there baby, 
It's time to be really honest.
And I realize there may be lots of judgement with this post,
but I think I'm going to write it anyway.
Your mom has struggled with body image and eating issues in her past
and well her growing belly sometimes exacerbates those past sins.
I had a rough day yesterday.
I'm in that looking fat but not pregnant stage.
I used to over eat.
To the point of making myself so sick but never throwing up.
Thankfully I haven't struggled with that in a long time.
Now I have different struggles.
But mostly they are centered around my need to feel worth something 
and beautiful in the eyes of myself and others.
I'm writing this, because regardless of gender you will struggle with sin just as I do.
You will judge yourself, you will judge others, you will have pride and deal with all kinds of sin.
The fact is as much as the world wants to give us a standard of beauty it can't.
The contorted images of perfection are still all very different.
Beauty was marred when sin entered this world.
There is no perfection outside of Jesus.
And there is only uniqueness.
And God created that.
Each of us unique, meant to be perfect but marred by sin in this world.
One day in heaven we'll be renewed but until then we have to fight.
I want you to know this because you will struggle here.
You may fight the fight of body image
Self loathing
Or an array of many other battles.
But know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are meant to be here.
To have these struggles.
To see God's glory in it all.
Mom isn't always fighting these battles and sins well.
Forgive me when my example fails you.
Forgive me when I forget to remind you of the beauty within you put there by the God of the Universe
the one who created you and seeks relationship with you.
I pray you come to know him.
He is the only way.
The only way to have victory.
The one who deserves all glory and honor.
I wish things were prefect for you.
I wish the world wasn't like this...
but I'm thankful that sin's penalty is paid for.
That you can have victory in this world.
So I'll try to remember that.
For myself and for you.
Victory didn't come without sacrifice, but that is paid for us if we accept it.
I'll be praying you come to know this.
Grow Strong Baby.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Little...wives tales

Hey there baby,
In a little over a month we get to find out if you are a boy or girl.
I realize that none of these will help with knowing what you are
but I thought it would be fun to see if the wives tales can predict anything.
So I'm picking a few wives tales and we'll see what happens in 5 weeks.
1: Which side mom sleeps on
if it's the right, girl, left, boy.
Result: I sleep mostly on the right....and my back
which apparently isn't good once we get father along
but I can't help it and wake up that way anyways.
2: If daddy gains weight
If he does you are a girl, if not you are a boy
Dad never gains weight haha.
He may have because he can't work out right now but I doubt that is related to you.
so I guess....boy.
3: morning sickness
no morning sickness=boy, morning sickness=girl
well you're definitely a girl by this measure.
meats, cheese, salty=boy, sweets=girl
Man I love me some cheese fries with bacon so boy.
More headaches=boy Fewer=girl
Uh more. And it is no fun.
6:Heart Rate
above 140=girl Below=boy
You have a strong girlish heartbeat.
Well it looks like the odds are pretty much even.
I'd say what I think you are, but if you aren't that I don't want you to feel bad later on.
We love you no matter what. 
I can't wait to meet you baby Wiedeman.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Little....moments and movements and wishes

Hey there baby!
FINALLY mum and papa get a break from the craziness.
We are all going to visit your grandpa(grandma is in St. Louis) and some of your aunts and uncles.
Mummy has been so tired lately, and I think I'm losing my mind.
I can't remember anything anymore.
I wanted to tell you to keep a moving baby.
I've only felt you twice but it's like magic.
I'm glad you enjoyed the music I played. 
Ahh I just felt you a moment ago.
That's 3 times.
I really like that.
Thanks for letting me know you are still there.
I guess you are a popular topic with my kiddos.
At PT conferences mom's congratulated me on my apple sized baby.
Haha those kids are almost as excited to meet you as I am.
They keep asking when they get to see you.
I know papa is excited to meet you.
I feel bad for him when I can feel you move and he can't yet.
Soon you'll be bigger and I'll let you nudge him too.
Keep growing strong!

Thursday, March 20, 2014's just life

Hey baby,
I don't have any topical discussion for you today.
I just want to write.
I think this is kind of my way of doing life with you while you are still in my tummy.
Mum has decided to get more active.
And by that I mean I've started walking.
Not the most glamorous of exercises, but that's what the doctor said to do.
I wish I had been one of those epic moms who ran a marathon with you before you were born
but who am I kidding I hate to run.
I ran a half marathon once... I might have kind of liked it
but it's been so long that I'm not supposed to be running with you.
But I'll do my best baby.
I want you to have a good start in life.
Papa went on a walk with us last week.
It was sweet holding his hand and listening to him chat.
I'm not very good at making conversation.
You can probably tell that from the off topic ramblings I do here.
Mostly I've been walking with another new mommy.
We get to talk about you little's.
Papa is letting me make my first purchase for you this coming week.
I'm so excited!
It's nothing amazing, and it's a hand me down but I can't wait for you to be here to see it.
It's a bassinet.
I hope you like it.
I admit I'm purchasing it for me just as much as you.
I'm sorry that you'll probably get a lot of hand me downs.
In part it's because mum and dad are just not banks, in fact we owe banks(or rather loan companies) lots of money from our school days.
And there is a teensy part of me that loves having something with a history.
But you will probably have to deal with this your whole life.
Don't worry you'll come to understand that things are just that, things.
They get old. They get used. They aren't worth much in the end.
You can't take them with you when you are gone.
Mum has to tell herself this a lot too.
But I guess you haven't really learned to want things yet.
That's good.
We'll work on that when it comes time.
But for now, know you are loved.
We will do for you as much as we can.
And we will love you always.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Little.....I love you

Hey there baby,
I heard your little heart beating away today.
It's magical every time. 
It's hard to explain my love for you.
I've never seen you.
I don't know your likes or dislikes.
I don't know if you will chose to follow Jesus.
I don't know anything but the number on that doppler.
Today it was 153.
Still growing strong I hope.
But with all those unknowns
my heart is so full.
I have hope that you will love Jesus.
I have hope for your future.
I have hope the despite my failures you will know love.
I feel as though I could burst in happiness when I think of you
Even this morning with the queasiness
I just thought of how its a sign that you are okay.
You are still with us.
I have such fear that one day you won't be.
You are our child.
From the moment God formed you within me.
You will always be my baby.
And I will always love you.
Papa too, though it's harder for him to show it yet.
He isn't reminded daily like I am.
As my belly grows.
Or as I smell something from two rooms away.
But he does.
We do.
We love you.
Grow strong baby.