Sunday, February 23, 2014

Little...let's talk about papa.

Hey Baby,
I just wanted to take today to tell you about your papa.
It's probably fairly obvious that I love him
but I wanted to tell you a bit about him.
Your daddy and mum have been good friends ever since they met
but it's been a relatively short while since they grew to love each other.
Mum was silly and interested in things other than your papa when they met.
However he is such a good man that when momma fell for him she fell hard.
We dated for 11 months got engaged and then married 6 months later 
and well then boom, you happened.
We are still learning how to love each other well.
But papa is the best at it.
He doesn't even know it.
It's the little things.
Like the way he picks up after me when I'm lazy, and exhausted from making you haha.
Or how today he ran around getting everything I needed at the store 
while I just waited not so patiently in line.
Or how he waited so patiently when I said no the first two times he asked me on a date.
Your papa is pretty patient.
Not to mention persistent.
But that worked out well for the two of us now didn't it?
He tells me I'm beautiful.
Even when I'm crying for no reason because you make my hormones CRAZY.
He doesn't complain when I make dinner and then throw it out
because suddenly it's the most disgusting thing ever and I can't stand to look at it.
I just can't wait for you to meet him.
I can't wait to observe his love for you.
I'm crazy about you already 
but I know when you get here your papa will be over the moon.
Grow Strong Baby.

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