Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A type "A" night mare

What does that title mean? Well it means last night I had a nightmare. Not your typical, there is an axe murderer in my closet sort of nightmare, no this one was tailored to my type A personality. The more I reflect on it the more comical it gets but I really just had to share it.

It started out with me waking up late. My alarm didn't go off and I sleepily looked at my watch just to notice that it was 8:00. I get to work at 8:45 and my alarm usually goes off at 6:30. I jump up and decide that I really do need to shower before work so I'll have to be a little late but at least I won't smell. I shower. After, when I go into the kitchen I notice that the clock on my coffee maker doesn't match my watch. Then I walk into my bedroom and notice that the clock on my desk is different than both my watch and coffee pot. Then I pick up my phone and it also has a completely different time! I look at my front door and notice that I didn't lock it the night before. Someone in my building had come into my apartment in the middle of the night and changed all of the clocks. This included the watch that was on my arm as I slept. Frightening. I couldn't even tell if I was late to work now or not. Seeing as I usually wake up before my alarm on a typical day I figure I'm probably not late but I'll text my supervisor to be sure. I am late in fact but after telling her my apartment was broken into she just says to get things inorder and get to work as soon as possible. I go to dress and on the mirrors of my closet there are messages written to me. "Working out hard enough lately?" "not going to be late are you?" and other things that I obsess over that noone in my building would know about me. At this point I am freaking out as to what has gone on in my apartment that I do not know about. hurriedly I dress and start my walk to work trying to sort out how this could have come about. (side note: the brain works in funny way because as things started to not make sense it made up excuses for the wholes in my whole dream). I "remembered" that I had been at a party the night before with Daka and everyone in my building. The guys were all serving the beverages to the girls. I deduced that they had drugged us and gotten our keys from our coats that night. Oh also apparently something similar happened to every girl in my building, tailored specifically to the things that really bother us. And then I woke up.

I know it's no serial killer out to get you sort of thing but I was spooked. Hope you enjoyed my frightening dream.

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