Monday, January 7, 2013

A new year, a new home, and some resolution thrown in.

Okay I promised a blog once I had internet, but I'm still working out the kinks of getting it set up in my apartment. So here I am at the Coffee Cartel (a 24/7 shop in st louis) drinking a yummy chai latte and I'm ready to let you in on the recent events in my life. Since I moved away from home in 2009 this will be my 8th move, crazy! I was excited to really feel as though I was on my own making my way in the world with this move. But as soon as I got here I missed my old life, my friends, family, and especially church fam. The first night I had to sleep on the floor in an unpacked apartment with no furniture. Moving boxes and other things up 3 flights of stairs as 2-5 old men looked on was not the best first experience. But once my parents came the next day bringing the rest of my things with them and I set up my place it felt a lot more like home.  So here are some pics:

Living room &
It duels as my bedroom

My creepy bathroom 
view from the dining room
Dining area right off the living area

Kitchen. Tiny but has a big pantry

Serious family

Happy family
So there is my place. Now on to the best stuff. Though I have been here a very short while, it has giving me so much time to think. This is how God has been speaking to me as of late through Ezekiel mostly. In my quiet time on Saturday I read Ezk. 45:1-10. In this passage God is telling Ezekiel not to give a portion of the land to the levitical priests because he is their inheritance. It really struck me that all I need in this life is Christ. Why am I alive? To live a life that gives him glory. Over break I definitely had a rough time living in a way that pleased the Lord. One night on the phone with Daka, he pointed out how sinful and judgmental I had been of my family that week. (I'm so luck to have a boyfriend willing to tell me difficult things).  I take the love of my family for granted a lot. I rarely accept their quirks, especially when I find it embarrassing, yet I expect complete acceptance from them. While I am in general judgmental (can't believe I'm admitting that!) I'm much more harsh with my family. I allow myself to sin against them and then blame them for my sin. This is not recognizing my need for cleansing from a savior. So as this year is just beginning these thoughts have given me the desire to make a new years resolution. I haven't done one of these since I was 12 and decided to give up sugar and caved a week in. But this year my goal is to ask the Lord to change my heart. I can't grow closer to him if I'm not willing to see myself as sinful, broken, and in desperate need of a savior. The only way I can love my family and other better is if I become more like Christ. Will power and resolution that I will be more kind just won't cut it. So if you think of me, pray that God continues to reveal my sin to me and help me to grow away from it. I've grown a lot since Senior year of my undergrad but I started to get to this point where I was satisfied as to how far I've come. I want to be dissatisfied with self and wholly satisfied with Christ. He is my inheritance.


  1. Love your place! :) I hate to even mention it, because I probably won't get a chance to, but I would love to come see you there!
    Our small group talked last night about grumbling/complaining, and our leader talked about how this one pastor challenged his congregation (apparently it's a big thing now) to wear this bracelet, and everytime they caught themselves complaining, to switch it over to the other wrist to take note and try to curb it. I thought it was a pretty fab idea and an awesome way to be self accountable. Just thought I'd pass that lil nugget on. <3

  2. Man if you ever decide to visit st louis for a day(there is a wonderful and fairly cheap children's museum) I'd love to take you there. Thanks for that tid bit. Love you!
