Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Adjusting to the city.

Today is 6 months spent dating Daka Wiedeman. Pretty great stuff I tell you what. I'm so lucky to have a man who is a godly leader, and really cares for me and for our future. I respect that man so much. Yesterday we got to see each other, it had been a little over two weeks. We explored the down town area together, ate lunch at pickles deli, and had dessert at the cup (an amazing cupcake place). Then we just caught up on lost time, acted like our silly selves and made dinner together. It was lovely. Today I walked to Children's hospital to meet with my supervisor. I have a feeling I am really going to love working there. It was such a relief to know what her expectations of me were and just how many different experiences I would be getting. I can even pick and choose what types of therapies I want to be involved in when she doesn't have clients! I admit my stomach was in knots as I walked there feeling inadequate and unprepared but I am just overjoyed just to learn from her. Well I'd better get out of this place for now and get some housework and errands done. Peace out girl scouts. :)

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