Sunday, December 30, 2012

Life, love, and everything in between.

Life-Graduate school is nothing short of crazy. Whether it's the requirements put on you by professors, supervisors, or my own type A personality, it seems as though feeling stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, and all the other verbs that fit into that category are a daily occurrence. Juggling classes, working to pay rent and buy food, clients multiple times weekly, discipleship, small group, and the other commitments I made was certainly exhausting. Through all the tears, mostly brought on by exhaustion, I have come to the end of Graduate school classes and am now about to embark on the  journey of internships. I look forward to this part of my life, and trust that the Lord will guide me through it all. I am making a move to Saint Louis on January 4th and for the first time I will being a life in a place where everyone is a stranger

Love- My relationship with the Lord is always surprising me.The infinite ways the He shows his love to me was my only relief to stress. Through kind actions of sweet sweet families, hands on prayer by people who truly love the Lord, friends picking up my slack when I'm crabby or feeling unwell, or just simply by showing me his love through the word and the gospel that he died for me, I am constantly reminded of his love. I am quick to forget that I am cared for but I see his plan in the little things. It is crazy to know that the God of the universe cares for even a wretch like me. Through my time of singleness I received a real understanding of what a relationship with my Savior should look like. Though there are difficult times no doubt, I have put my heart in his hands first because he first loved me. I didn't really know what relationship should look like until I fell in love with Jesus. I never pursued him until college. I would undoubtedly say that I was saved at an early age, but giving up myself to God is a process and I am learning that I must submit daily.

The in between-  Well really there is so much that had gone on in my life these past few years. I'm gained so many friendships while attending ISU. As children we can hardly wait to get to adulthood but once we are there we realize how comfortable childhood was. I turned 24 this year, and I have to admit that reaching this age was difficult for me. I had so many plans for my life growing up and I can't really say that things went according to plan. Jeremiah 29:11 is my constant reminder that God is in control. While I don't always trust that his plans are best, I know it to be true. As I prepare to move I am really missing my life in Bloomington. I leave friends, coworkers, a boyfriend, and a church family behind. Looking ahead I place my hope in my savior about my future. I'm so thankful that for today I can say I trust in Him to care for me.


  1. I wish that I was as good of a person as you are Keeley. I wish that I could be open hearted like you. But, the things I have seen and the things that I have been through have changed me. I trust God and I love Jesus. But, I wish God wouldn't care for me as much as he does. I wish he would care for the good people, the people who shouldn't have to suffer, to the people who deserve to live a decent life.

  2. I feel as though I must encourage you in that "The Lord is not slack in keeping his promise, as some understand slackness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 peter 3:9. Sometimes it feels as though there is favor from God to certain people, but he sacrificed his one and only Son for ALL people. He is slow to anger, quick to Love. Can you imagine what it is like to sacrifice the person you love most for the sake of your ENEMY? Thats what God did for even those he appears not to Love. I recommend reading his word to get a better picture of just who God is, if you think he doesn't care for the suffering.

  3. I know he cares. I guess I just don't understand everything which makes me question things. Maybe one day, someday I will understand.
