Friday, July 25, 2014

Home Sweet Apartment

Hey there Micaiah,
So papa and I have been living in our apartment since Tuesday.
And slowly but surely things are coming together.
It's weird to think that this will be your first home.
I'm excited to begin getting things ready for you.
But unfortunately that means purchases. 
And money. Which is stretched a little thin at the moment.
So things will progress more slowly.
But we will get there.
Plus how much could you really need at first? 
I'm still stressing about the pending status of my insurance.
I've called all of these number a dozen times over.
We start making payments for care next week
and have to have your whole birth paid for in 3 weeks.
Fortunately, if we do get insurance before you arrive we will be reimbursed.
But still it's a little scary.
Your daddy has a second interview scheduled for next week Monday.
Hopefully things go well in that department.
But as much as I gripe and groan about money...
We truly are well cared for.
I may not have many of my wants
but I have everything I need.
And that's all by God's goodness and grace.
Like this apartment.
Smaller than we had hoped for but we have a place to live.
He gave us this savings.
He provides for us daily.
Yes we need to be good stewards, but he knows our needs.
Things never have worked out for me in the way I plan them in my head
so I don't know why I always expect the Lord to follow MY plan.
For now I have to daily trust him.
I haven't been doing that so well lately.
When we spend money I panic.
I panic about the future that isn't promised to me.
Baby boy, I hope there comes a tomorrow
and a day after
and after that
till I meet you.
But even you aren't promised to me.
I'm fortunate to get to love and care for you today.
So I'm going to continue to ask Jesus for grace to live each day as it's own day.
And trust that he knows exactly what he is doing.
Grow Strong Baby

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