Sunday, August 3, 2014

One thing has changed.

I can't speak for tomorrow,
and yesterday was another story,
but today one thing has changed in our situation.
My attitude.
Today I feel so joyful and filled with praise for the Lord's goodness.
Which is a huge step because let me tell you things haven't been pretty lately.
I had been burdened with sin.
Sin that I should be completely free from 
seeing as that is promised to me in scripture
as God's child.
But I have been angry.
And preaching lies about God to myself.
That he can't.....or won't provide.
That he isn't good.
That circumstances mean his love for me is conditional.
And I believed all of them.
But today I feel a glimpse of freedom.
I see truth more clearly.
And I'm able to give glory that is due to him.
Our situation,
dwindling savings,
is still the same.
We have been blessed by a number of people lately.
But honestly even their giving hearts I was unable to be thankful for.
But today I am so thankful.
And I feel this peace that even if things continue this way
that I could still praise the Lord in it all.
I want to praise him,
rather than constantly ask that he change my circumstance.
I want to trust that he is a good father.
I want freedom from the expectations I have for myself
and the ones that others have for me.
I wish I could be more open about my sin for you all.
I wish I had the urge to write these blogs even when I don't feel joy.
But for now I will rejoice that there is joy in my heart.
And maybe one day I won't cover my sin
But instead cling to the promise that I am forgiven of it.
Because I am dead to sin.
And I want to walk in that truth. 
And battle temptations to speak lies to myself.
And I want freedom
And Jesus wants to grant me that.

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