Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Patience, Cousins, and a Name.

Hey there baby boy,
Well papa and I have moved. 
And we continue to wait.
This move has been filled with fear for me.
Yet confirmation in the need to be here. 
But we still need a job for papa.
and a home.
and insurance.
and a lot of little things.
But we know God can provide.
And we will wait on his timing.
And continue to pursue the things we know he wants from us.
On Monday, we found out that your new cousin is a BOY!
Another boy in the Wiedeman clan!
You two will be buds I hope.
While we were in Chicago visiting family for the 4th
we decided to reveal your name.
We weren't going to let people know it...
but we love it and you.
And now the rest of the family knows.
So now we can call you by your name.
And in 9 weeks we will see your face.
The funniest part of all was when papa and I decided on Micaiah James
we had no idea that your grandpa had wanted to name dad's sisters that if they had been boys.
So Auntie Sabriah or Adriel would have been Micaiah if they were boys.
Haha. I guess you get to be the lucky one.
Your name means, "Who is like Yahweh?"
And your middle name is your great grandfather's name.
I can not wait to meet you.
And see the face that goes with this name.
Grow Strong Micaiah.

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