Friday, July 19, 2013

An ordinarily blessed day

I don't know what this post will bring, but I'm feeling inspired to write. Perhaps the inspiration comes from the loneliness of this apartment, or my lack of ability to entertain myself, no matter the reason I will type. Today I kept feeling so blessed to have such a bright future ahead of me. I kept thanking God for blessing me with an amazing Fiance. Then it hit me. I thank God for the things he gives me. Objects, people, happy moments in life, but I rarely thank him for his sacrifice. I rarely reflect on the gospel. Today isn't an extraordinary day. I read at the park for a bit, packed a box of clothing, facebook stalked, you know the norm. I forget to remind myself of the gospel. I live a happy life. I complain about my life too much, because really I am blessed beyond measure.As I prepare myself to become a wife in less than 5 months, I get nervous at how selfish and ungrateful I can be. But as I had my quiet time this afternoon I was reminded that I'm "perfectly imperfect". I'll never measure up. I'll never be holy enough, deserving enough of the gospel. My weakness is how Christ's light can shine. I'm lucky to know the savior personally. He is my portion. If everything was taken away from me (though I'd likely go through a devastated period) I would still have to give thanks. So today is my ordinarily blessed day. I am blessed daily. There is nothing extraordinary about it except the fact that I know the one true God and he cares enough to bless me daily.

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