Saturday, September 27, 2014

Little...The next few days

So you arrived 2 weeks after your initial due date
And well I have to admit you were funny looking at first.
Getting stuck in my pelvic bones made your head so misshapen.
Fortunately, that has resolved really quickly.
Recovering from labor has been interesting for mom.
The nurses kept commenting on how big of a boy you were
for your "little momma"
And well that lead to multiple tears second and third degree.
So sometimes mommy is crabby because she is in pain.
And tired.
So Tired.
But you are worth it. 
The nurses told us in the hospital that they were hearing a "clunk"
in your right hip. 
So when we left the hospital we had to make an appointment
with our pediatrician for the next day.
he confirmed the "clunk" as hip dysplasia
and referred us to a specialist.
So on your third day on the outside
we had you fitted for your brace.
You'll be in it for a minimum of 10 weeks.
It holds your hips in the sockets to help them form.
Because you have shallow sockets, your hips can pop out of place.
Fortunately momma knows other mommies of kids with dysplasia.
Which is such a blessing.
Because I have support and I didn't have to be afraid for you.
So this is our life.
You and I and Papa.
You just eat, sleep, wet/poo, eat some more....and some more.
And papa and I just look at you in amazement.
You're a wonderful blessing.
Whenever I feel like I have the grounds to complain about life
I just remind myself that I am lucky to be blessed with you.

To Micaiah James,
With Love,

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