Saturday, September 27, 2014

Little...the Labor

So we finally started active labor on Sep. 22 around 2pm.
I hit transition and began to push shortly after papa arrived.
But things weren't progressing.
So they broke my waters.
Yes they had to break two water bags!
Then my waters broke again.
They think i had 3 water bags.
Apparently I am an anomaly.
No wonder you weren't doing much on your own.
And they checked me but I still wasn't completely dialated.
But my body wanted to push so I had to fight against that
To let the contractions do their work. 
And then you started to crown, and I was told I needed a few more big pushes
But you didn't come.
I pushed for 9 hours
And you weren't coming.
And I was getting dehydrated...
I had an IV put in.
And the pain was becoming  too much.
I stopped comprehending what people were saying.
I was giving up.
I wanted to sleep.
I wanted you to be here. 
I was so frustrated.
so we left around 11:30 for the hospital.
I couldn't get you out, and the pain was too much.
When I was checked at the hospital you were still a plus2
Why weren't you coming?
I got an epidural and slept for an hour.
Then they checked again and you were at a minus 1
We began to push again.
for about another hour... still nothing.
Doctor and Midwife checked again. 
Your head was stuck in my pelvis.
I had room for a vaginal delivery,
But you couldn't seem to get unstuck.
Then came the ultimatums.
We could look at using a suction to help assist,
Or we go to cesarean.
I asked about risks and the Doctor didn't think suction would
work anyways. 
He felt it was more likely to injure you.
So I began to give in to the idea that we may
have to do a cesarean.
Then I got one last option.
My contractions were no longer coming at regular intervals...
So I was going to need help to keep pushing.
The doctor suggested Pitocin to keep them coming
and make them stronger.
Then we would keep pushing and positioning
and pray that you moved enough to come out.
So that's what we did.
And Finally after additional hours of pushing you were here.
It was 28 hours since my contractions became regular
And 13 hours of pushing, but you made it!
You were laid on my chest and I was in love.
I may have been disappointed by the fact
that the labor wasn't exactly what I planned.
But you are here and it was ALL worth it.

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