Thursday, April 12, 2012

A speech pathology graduate student's love hate relationship with her career

I love when people ask me what I'm studying and they look at me with confused faces. Because then I get to explain the tiny details that will make my job so great.
I love that I get to learn about the intricate workings of the human body and see how amazing God is to make it all.
I love seeing language develop, change, and grow kids into more articulate and successful students.
I hate seeing children act out and knowing it is not within my power to discipline them because they are not my own.
I love that my field and scope of practice are so broad. I learn about things from craniofacial anomalies and cranial nerves to how reading aids in language learning and use.
I hate that because the field is so broad you can never be an expert in all areas.
I love that I am being adequately prepared for my job with hands on experience.
I hate that it feels like my life has yet to begin, like all of my other peers.
I love that my definition of success is moving from perfection to effort.
I hate that I still want to be perfect.
I love being kept on my toes.
I hate feeling like no matter how much I do in a day I will wake up in a panic over 20 forgotten things.
I love being able to encourage and prod people on to progress.
I hate having to relearn everything every day for each client, but
I love that it reminds me that clients are people, individual, made by God with specialized personalities.

There's a lot more but now I have to get back to the busy life.

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