Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Finally Obedient

So at the end of last year God was prodding me to share my faith with a close friend Rebecca. Becca and I were not very close at the beginning of the year but towards the end of our last semester of Junior year we were besties(twins we called it). That made things even worse because now that I finally had a friend from school I was even more fearful of rejection if she knew about my love for God. Needless to say I never talked to her about anything spiritual and we parted ways for the summer. We kept in touch using skype as our means for communication over the summer.
Becca knew I went to church, she knew I didn't drink(often, I have done this in my not so long ago past) and well I liked to believe she could see Christ in my life. Fact was I wasn't really living for God at the time. But this semester God has been growing me and well I'm finally working on my own relationship with him and that spilled over into Becca's life. I finally got the opportunity to share the gospel with her and for the first time in probably a year I started praying.
My friends kept telling me to be intentional with her. To continually direct her thoughts towards Jesus and what he did on the cross for her. I led her through the Romans road and I admit I was somewhat discouraged she didn't make a decision then and there.
Fall getaway came and for some reason it didn't cross my mind to invite her. I considered this retreat to be for those who already accepted the gift of salvation to grow their faith. Luckily Alyssa took on the role of getting her to come. I just kept seeing God prompting her to follow him. I knew that he was the only one who could fix her brokenness because I saw him fixing me.
Well this story has a very happy ending. The other day I was talking to her and she was telling me how she was purging her facebook so to speak. Deleting things she wasn't proud of ridding herself of friends who were wrong influences in her life and I thought to myself...."something has changed in her". God changed her. I'm so excited to know that the wonderful Rebecca Wheeler accepted Christ as her Lord and savior recently.
You can be praying for her because her family is not as accepting of this change in her and that is a big struggle. So lets pray that God works in them! because he is sovereign and he draws us to him.

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