Thursday, May 29, 2014

Little....Baby Fever

Hey there baby boy,
Perhaps my definition of baby fever is a
but I think I have baby fever.
No I am not thinking about of more babies.
Not right now anyway.
But I increasing in impatience in my wait to meet you.
I know that mommyhood is not all cuddles
and it's a lot of hard work
but I just can't wait to get started. 
And see who you become.
And well I'm pretty darn excited for the snuggles too.
Mom has 2 days left of work
And today some of her coworkers got you a gift.
A cutie blanket toy
Some itsy bitsy socks
and diapers :)
I feel like I get spoiled with all the gifts for you.
I can't wait to know where we will live when you get here.
Then I can start really making plans for you.
Grow strong baby.
And don't let my impatience sway you to arrive too soon.
We'll meet you soon.
Much love,

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Little....The Sky Is Falling

Hey there baby boy,
So you don't know the story of Chicken Little
So this title doesn't make much sense yet
But it's reflective of how I'm feeling these days.
Chicken little overreacts to his situation and 
ultimately determines that the sky is falling and the world is ending.
I tend to be over dramatic.
Right now the little troubles feel like the sky is falling.
On Friday momma told her current job she would not be returning next year
even though neither mom or dad have jobs lined up.
That was scary.
But we feel pretty confident that the Lord is going to
do something with us in a different region than little ole Hoopeston.
Right now we will be moving at the end of June.
To where?
We do not know.
So we are trusting the Lord for that as well.
All this trusting is difficult.
And I often feel like the sky is falling.
What happens if we don't find jobs?
How do we pay back the mountain of debt?
How is maternity leave going to affect us?
What if I chose to go back to work?
What if I chose to stay at home?
It's all a little scary and overwhelming.
But I have to remember that God's plan is perfect.
My plan is not.
The plan we had to wait a year for you....
Well I'm incredibly glad that didn't work out.
I love you little man and can't imagine life with out you
even though you have yet to make an appearance.
I can't imagine if papa hadn't asked me that 3rd time for a date.
But it wasn't in my plan.
Pretty much nothing in my life has gone exactly as I planned.
Yet I'm surprised and fret every time things change.
Right now we are praying for direction.
We think that is St. Louis.
I hesitate in saying that because I don't want to
misinterpret the Lord's plan.
Also I hate being wrong.
But it just feels like home to us.
Even though we aren't there.
So that's what we are blinding pursuing.
As everything seeming crumbles around us.
We will pursue Jesus.
And do our best to listen.
Though I rarely ever do.
Thank goodness for grace.
So the sky isn't falling and we're really okay.
But know that mom and dad pretty much never "have it together".
But we do trust in Jesus, so you'll be taken care of.
Love you little.
Grow Strong.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Little.....Punching Bag

Hey there baby boy.
So this week and last have been an adventure in mommyhood.
You have been quite the active fellow.
I pretty much feel you everyday.
I'm also quite sure I've become your punching/kicking bag.
I'm usually alright with that....
Unless you take out your energy on my bladder.
That I am not the biggest fan of.
Who knew pregnancy literally turned you back into a baby.
I mean I whine because of the discomfort(only to papa, usually)
And I take overly frequent bathroom trips
I am much more picky due to food aversions
I burp and belch with no qualms at all.
My nose runs all over the place
I've pretty much turned into a giant kid here.
No one told me this stuff.
And so as weird as it may be to write about it
I do it because NO ONE TOLD ME THIS STUFF!
Who knew I'd be sick and whiney all the time.
And cravings...I don't really have them
I just crave food.
All the time. 
And usually I succumb to the cravings.
You'd think I'd have ballooned up by now.
Surprisingly not, but you still surprise me with a weekly vomit
So maybe that is the reason.
My belly is getting big.
Again you'd think I had put on more than 5lbs at this point.
But that....I will NOT complain about.
Dr. said you are doing well. 
Your Ultrasound came back GREAT!
You are pretty much perfect. 
Growth on target.
Healthy heart.
And really strong legs and arms, which you use to jab me.
And as of yesterday Papa!
I'm so glad he finally got to feel you.
So I guess I shouldn't complain when you send me running out of a meeting for the bathroom.
Because it all just means I get a wonderful you at the end of this.
My healthy baby boy.
Grow Strong.