Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Whirlwind of year 2013

Well I realize we are almost already a week into 2014 but I thought I would recap some of my favorite moments from 2013. I am so thankful for all that the Lord taught me in the past year, the friendships he allowed me to gain and the many blessings he showed me.

January 2013:
This began my adventure to St. Louis where I made some of the best friends and gained life experiences I am so blessed by. Lets start with the friends. First there is Julie Curran. This woman was my supervisor during my practicum and we just became kindred spirits. I could share anything and everything with her and probably have. Then there was my small group. Specifically the Oros family that showed me so much love and acceptance. Then there is Renee who I had not imagined I could love so much! She is one of the sweetest women I know. I wish I could have stayed in St. Louis a little longer to get to know her better. Then Betsy, Alyssa, Stacie, and Julie who all made sure I wasn't too lost in the city.

Then there was the blessing of my internships. These truly equipped me for my career and I am grateful to have had such amazing connections to my supervisors.

April 2013:
My first cardinals game. It was to celebrate Daka's birthday. The first birthday I would spend with him. It was also one of the last times I would see Shelly before she shipped off to Africa. Hanging out with Brock, Brian, Daka, and Shelly was great....even if it did rain for most of the game.

June 2013:
Daka Proposed. I really don't think I need to say much more than that. It was just wonderful to know I would be spending the rest of my life with him.

August 2013:
My first Real Job.

October 2013:
My Birthday. Daka came to visit and we went on a picnic(he got me a basket as my gift) one of my favorite things to do on a date.

December 2013:
Daka and I said "I do" on the 13th. We spent and amazing honeymoon in Venice from the 15th-22nd. Then there was Christmas eve with my parents. Our first Christmas as a married couple at home together. Family Christmas/new years with the Wiedeman Underwoods.

All in all this year has be splendid. I'm honestly most thankful for the relationships God has given me. I am such an incredibly blessed woman.

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