Friday, June 3, 2011

The Lord most high watches out for me. He is Sovereign

Let me tell you, this day has been wonderful. So many things went wrong but the Lord saw me through it all. This morning I awoke crabby and angry at my smoke detector that was beeping at 4:30am. Upset that I had to spend $5 on a single battery my mood didn't really improve. I spent some time reading my Bible this morning at a local coffee shop, as is sort of my thing, and my spirits slowly lifted. I eventually realized how shallow my grumbling had been. The Lord blessed me with  breath to breathe and life to live I should rejoice in it. Later in the afternoon I got on my bike, somewhat nervous to go back to work for the first day in 3 weeks, but headed out in a better mood. Then it happened. All to quickly and in a very surreal way I was hit by a car. No worries I have REALLY MINOR scratches. I felt so bad for the poor guy who hit me who was completely freaking out. My bikes tires were crooked and I couldn't really ride it the rest of the way to work so Andrew(the guy who hit me) ended up dropping me off. We exchanged phone numbers and he told me to call him when I got off and he would take me to get a new bike.
The only injuries I have

The actually event of being hit went somewhat like this. I was approaching a four way intersection and the lights were green. Cars were going and coming my direction but none of them were turning so it seemed safe to cross. I saw Andrews car, in the right lane of the street perpendicular to the one I was on, with his turn signal on but he wasn't moving and on coming traffic was headed our way so he couldn't really move....or so I thought. I started to cross the street. Everything from there kinda slowed down I saw his car moving, felt it touch my left side, then felt myself getting lifted into the air,(it was kind of fun the feeling of flying) and my bike being pulled beneath his car. He stopped and everything was now going by at a regular speed. I got up scathed but unharmed picked up my bike and started to go on my merry way. I assured him I had not obtained injuries that needed medical attention and he insisted I meet him on the other side of the street. I did as instructed once I realized my bike was not going to get me to work. I asked him for a ride since I really needed to get to work it had been three weeks and I needed the money. He gave me his cell phone number while in the car and I texted him my name. Then I tried my best to calm the poor boy down. We chit chatted about school and I told him when I'd be getting off, to pick out a new bike.

My sweet new bike
At work I was giddy, over joyed that the Lord had been so wonderful to protect me. Every time I told the story to a co-worker I couldn't help but laugh. The bike I had been riding was an old $40 find. A a lady my father worked with sold it to me. One brake didn't work, it was rusty, and well I was glad to be getting a new one. I got off work an hour early called Andrew up and he took me to walmart. I think he's still in shock. We pick out my awesome boy bike that I am super thankful for. As we were leaving walmart and I was getting into the truck of  a friend who had come to pick me up Andrew asked me to wait for a moment. He went to his car and when he returned he gave me a gift card to starbucks. A new bike and free coffee, boy does the Lord have a sense of humor. I hope that I get an opportunity to use this experience to show Christ to Andrew. I'm sure we'll keep in touch but more importantly I'm thankful for a God who knows my every need. I needed a new bike. I needed a better attitude today. I needed another way to show my co-workers how Christ works in me. I hold no malice toward Andrew. I hope to be his friend. I am so thankful for a God who protects.


  1. Great story. I will have to share this to my church this Sunday. You never know what God will do to get a message across, especially in the middle of intersection! God bless you.

  2. Amazing, Keeley. Sooooo glad you're ok and that God not only protected you but provided for you and also gave you a new friend who probably needs Him and will now give you the opportunity to share Him with him. God IS good. :)

  3. Wow!! This is an awesome "automobile [bike, in your case] PURPOSE" as Pastor Kim used to say! Thank you for your godly response and wisdom to use it for His glory! Praying for quick recovery and continued safety for travelling. Oh, and for Andrew that he can hear the truth of the gospel from all this!

    Jessica Molyneux
