Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

While I am beginning to fall so in love with my one true father God, the creator of the universe, I wanted to write a little bit about the blessing of a Father he gave me here on earth. Bruce Wayne Stelzer is the nerdiest, quirkiest, most intelligent, resourceful, and loving man I know. He is the hardest worker I have ever met and is such a sacrificial giver. Some of my earliest memories of him are the times when he would come home from work, when I was still quite young, after a long day and eat dinner with me. He was almost always late to dinner because he worked oh somewhere around 14 hour days(if not more) and I was an incredibly slow eater. That little bit of time where it was just he an I at the table was so special to me. Even after putting in long hours he'd come home and invest moments of time in my family. Game nights were pretty much how we stayed connected, whether it was us all shouting Farkle around the table falling over in our chairs, teaming up boys against girls in a game of hand and foot, or playing one of the many other games we so loved, he sacrificed the sleep to smile along with us.
My dad is a story teller, a jokester, and sometimes incredibly hard to shut up, and while this may not always be my favorite thing about him it is who he is. His father is one of his great hero's and also mine. Dad always told stories about the things he and grandpa Earl did together, invented together, built together and more. I never knew my grandpa but he sure taught my father how to be a man. Dad is handy and knows oh so much. It seems that whenever mom has her eye on something new dad is prepared to build it(probably more to save money than anything lol). I remember he built a wooden flower trellis for her once, he built a room in our basement, learned how to re-roof a house alongside his brother, the man just never stops working. Fishing was a passion he instilled in me as a child and one hobby I know he wishes he had time for today. He tills, and plants our garden every year so we can have organic veggies(and also save some money haha). But the thing that I have seen in my father lately that overflows my heart with joy is his love. His love for the Lord and the wisdom he instills in me about the need for spiritual growth because he didn't seek after the Lord at my age. For my mother, the little notes they wrote each other on valentines day that were still around the house when I came home in May.  His love for his son, I see his pride whenever my brother Josh accomplishes another amazing thing. And his love for me. Thank you Papa for loving our family, for setting a good example, and for sacrificing for us all. Happy Father's Day

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