Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Chronicles of a potty training momma: DONE....we hope

As I have said before don't look to me for advice on potty training,
but I am happy to report that we are nearing the end of training.
M has started wearing underwear outside the home.
Today, I put him down for a nap in his underwear!
Guys, thats a big deal!
Having confidence in his ablity to hold it during sleep
is something entirely different than just toilet training.
He is consistenly telling me when he needs to go,
and FINALLY telling sitters and kids church teachers.
We still have the occasional accident, but overall he's a pro.
Considering where we were in the beginning....going every 5 minutes
this is incredible improvement.
Plus our accidents are really just aiming issues.
One thing at a time okay!?!
To be honest, potty training has been a pretty selfish endeavor. 
I just really wanted him to be done so he would be: 
1) more independent
2) we'd have less mess
3) and I wouldn't have to buy diapers
However, it has given him such pride in his big boy abilities.
I never knew I could be so excited over such a disgusting event in life.
Pardon me while I throw a little dance party with myelf
because we are DONE!

Okay, so we still aren't dry at night, but this is still worth celebrating!

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