Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A season of singleness

As I felt called to and decided to take this season of singleness I realized a lot more about how I idolize relationships with men. God made us to be relational beings but I put earthly relationships above the one on one I have with Christ. Instead of running to the Lord when my day is awful, or even when it's great I run directly to an earthly person. At first I figured it was just a problem with males, but as I stepped back from it I realized my problem was in valuing all relationships over Christ. This summer I have grown so close to a select group of Godly women, and they became my outlet for pain, sin struggles, happiness etc. I began to realize the the problem was far deeper than relationships with guys. I didn't desire Christ. My view of God was that he was this person I ran to with the big things rather than a relational being. While I am working on taking everything to the Lord first I still desire that immediate feedback from a physically present being. I'm so quick to forget that as a Christian I carry Christ with me. I am empowered by the holy spirit and therefore he is ever present in side of me. Daily worship of the Lord, and expanding my view of him has helped some but I struggle with feelings of loneliness when not surrounded by other. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.  In him I can do all things. These are the truths I have to preach to myself daily. The stronger I grow in relationship with him the more I see him in every circumstance. He carries me, when I no longer have the strength to walk.


  1. This is a bunch of jumbled thoughts that poured out of me before I headed to work. They are random so take them for what they are worth

  2. Oh just one more thing. I didn't mean to take away from the fact that we are to carry one another's burdens and fellow Christians. It's okay to go to others with struggles... but the first person I desire to want to run to is Christ, then others.
