Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chronicles of a potty training momma: The NEW plan/an update

So M is now 2.
He is not potty trained.
So as you can probably tell I took a break.

I did say I might at the beginning. So there is that.
As interested as he was at 18 months, he just wan't ready.
He had pretty great communication skills
but couldn't preemptively tell me when he needed to go.
He still really doesn't.
But it's getting better.

The other day at the library he told me "Mommy, I pooping"
He also then refused when prompted to go with me to the restroom.

So, we're taking it slow.
Just asking him to sit on the potty multiple times a day.
And he has been doing that with success. 
Today we tried underwear.
We only had one accident

I'd say that's a success.......unless you know that after acident 1
I went back to diapers 
at first because he went down for a nap,
but then also because I'm lazy.

BUT he literally went on the potty 7x today.
So that's the real success.

Not much about my plan has changed, other than giving more grace
and also I caved and bought a potty.
It was a necessary evil though.
He used to scream and run from being hoisted onto the 
insert "potty seat" that fits on the toilet.

So now he has his own potty. 
He uses it regularly
and gets a gummy if he goes.

And I'm leaving it there for now
If he starts asking to go more....
then we will probably go full force into underwear.

We will see. 

Like I said in my first post, I am no expert
So don't look to me for advice.
I'm just a mom who is sick of diapers
and a kid who screams when I try to change them haha.

Things would probably happen more quickly if I wasn't so lazy
So there is also that.
I have things to work on. 

Don't we all.