Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Chronicles of a potty training momma: Praise for the Poop!

So potty training has been moving at a crawl.
Every once in a while M will ask to go to the "toilet"
But mostly he just likes the opportunity to wash his hands. 
Last Tuesday, he told me "poop" but with an empty diaper.
This was the first time he has preemptively mentioned something 
related to the potty.
So I rushed him to the nearest bathroom, but because we were
out of the house sitting on the big toilet was mostly
traumatic for him. Especially when it's a self flushing toilet.

Then last night happened.
I came home and Daka told me M had news.
Apparently he had told D "poop" again with an empty dipe.
So he put him on the toilet and viola!

We're still a ways from consistent potty training but I am ecstatic.
It's a really strange thing to be so excited over 
another being's bowel movements.
But as I discussed this conundrum with my brother
he helped me understand my excitement comes from freedom.
It may still be a while,,,but we are one step close to diaper freedom.
And that my friends, is worth celebrating.