Sunday, June 8, 2014

We just might be crazy

Oh my Lanta!
2 weeks. 
In two weeks we are moving.
That's assuming we can get our stuff together to get out of here.
Anyone want to help the preggo pack?
So for some reason we feel called (back for me) to St. Louis.
Who knew?
And though there is still no job in sight,
we are taking it by faith.
Which means my agenda is growing and my motivation is fading.
Like right now I need to apply for medicaid.
Because I no longer have insurance for prenatal visits as of next week.
And we need to figure out how we're transporting all of our belongings to good ole MO.
I told my physician that we're leaving but apparently not having a Dr. to send medical records to costs a whole lot more. 
That's another thing. I need to find a doctor there.
Once I get insurance again.
For housing we have a temporary home with my brother and sister in law.
But then its house/apartment hunting.
Then setting up a nursery for the little one.
And continuing the job hunt for husband.
Oh and did I mention I just found out I'm anemic?
Fortunately it came with the good new of not having gestational diabetes.
And it's apparently manageable with iron pills and supplements
if I can keep those down.
Strangely I'm excited about this all.
Overwhelmed, but excited.
Maybe I'm still just hyper from the glucose sugar drink I had to down this morning. 
Ah yes back to my list.
Need to cancel our water for the end of the month. 
Cancel our internet.
Find a storage unit to house our stuff until we have a permanent(or semi-permanent) residence.
Call the land lords to let them know a move out date.
And I should probably let our families know that we've made this huge decision.
Eh...they'll read it here lol. 
Too much to do.
We've only lived here since December but I'm pretty sure we have more than we need.
Or perhaps just more than I am willing to move and take with us.
Anyone want to buy a desk?
Or a funky looking green leather couch?
I'm ready though. 
For this adventure with Hubs, and baby.
For the biggest test of reliance on the Lord's provision I will have gone through to date.
So ready or not St. Louis....Here we Come!