Thursday, May 23, 2013

I am beautiful

It's funny how frustrating being a woman can be. As I fight the battle of overeating, I have victorious days and ones that are not filled with delight. Today is a mixture of both. I have eaten decently all day, I ran 2.5 miles and did an arm workout. Even though I should be celebrating my success for the day I can't help but point out the flaws. I tried on an old pair of jeans and they were uncomfortably tight. So I allowed this to ruin the rest of my day. Emotionally I think my appearance will always be a struggle. I just wish I could let go of the concern I have over it. So what if I have a great day and do everything right, or have an awful day and go back for the seconds I do not need, or binge when I get home from work. I am beautiful. My appearance may not always be the loveliest, but I am beautiful. I rarely believe this statement. But even though I may not always believe it I know it's true. God is continually changing me to be more like him and he is beautiful. The more I become like Jesus the more lovely I become. I'm going to have to tell myself this a lot today when I feel so defeated. When my efforts seems like they just aren't enough, but I'll remind myself and maybe one day I might actually believe it.